Unique way of building links- I can bet you don't know about it

Friday, 22 July 2011

Most of the bloggers will tell you to comment on other blogs and forums and submit your blog to directories to build links.There are many other ways they usually talk about.I know these are very effective ways of building links for your blog. But problems with building links this way are-
  • Often you get a 'no follow' links specially if you are commenting on other blogs to build links.(Most of the blogs now use 'no follow' in comments) Many of the directories also befool you by using either 'no follow' or robot.txt.
  • You can build links for your homepage and other 2-3 pages only.Most of the directories don't allow inner pages and in forums you can only leave 1-4 links in your signature.
Now what you are going to learn here in this post is an unique way of building links. By using this technique you will be able to build links for any no. of pages (even all of your posts) and most importantly it will be 'do follow'. So, stick yourself with your seat as you are going to discover a very unique way of building links.

I discovered this technique only a week ago and felt I should share it with my readers.Actually this technique makes use of google docs and spreadsheets.Confused !! I can guess you are..... OK let me explain the things in a bit more detail.

First of all log into google docs using google account.If you don't have a google account you can open an account here for free.Once you log in to google docs the page looks something like this-

build links by blogging advice(click to enlarge the image)

Using the 'new' button on the top left corner (as indicated by a red arrow in image) you can make a new document, spreadsheet or a presentation.You can write anything relevant in your document. You can make a list of your posts, you can make a list of your top posts , you can describe your blog or even write a short post there.While preparing your document embed your blog's link or your post's link in the document. Once you finish preparing the document you can publish it as a webpage.Look at the picture below-

blogging guides- build links(Click to enlarge the image)

In the image above, you can see my spreadsheet which contains a list of RSS directories.In the right side you can see the 'publish as webpage' button under 'Share' (encircled in red and indicated by a red arrow).Once you publish your document it is published at a unique url.My document can be seen here.This document now behaves in exactly the same way as other webpage.

So, just make a document with some of the links from your blog.Publish it and congrats you have built some links for your blog.Make more documents daily and see the links building for your blog.Isn't this cool.

The best part is the links will be 'do follow' (I have checked this and found no 'no follow' tags)

There are many other websites similar to google docs.Just google it and you will get a number of these sites.You can use any of them or all of them.
Happy linking!!!

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