How to promote your blog through other blogs in your niche?

Friday, 22 July 2011

Other blogs in the niche are excellent source to promote your own blog.This is usually done by commenting on other blogs discussing same topics as yours. I think you already have commented on a number of blogs in a hope to get some traffic to your own blog. But my question here is- Did you get the traffic you were eying at? Many of you might have answered it in an affirmative way. OK, you did got some visitors but did you get A LOT of visitors to your blog?

Not exactly, most of you would have got some 10 or 20 odd visitors to your blog a day (through other blogs ofcourse). And I think 10 -20 visitors a day is nowhere near to "a lot of visitors" I am talking about.What I would discuss here in this post is getting a lot of visitors to your blog from other blogs and not just 10-20 odd visitors.

First of all let me ask a question. Why does other blogs send such a less amount of traffic even when you do a lot of commenting on them?

The reason, as I see it, is one (or more) of the following three-

  1. You didn't pick up right blogs to comment on
  2. Your comments were not unique and useful
  3. You didn't made your comment noticeable
Now I think you are getting some clearer idea on what you have to do to promote your blog through other blogs. What you have to do is-
  1. Comment on blogs having high readership
  2. Make your comments unique and useful
  3. Make use of bold and italic tags to make your comments noticeable

Why should you focus upon blogs with high readership only?

I don't have enough time and always run out of time when it comes to posting on my blog and promoting it. This is not just my story but it is a story of majority of us. So, you should focus upon a blog that saves your time and energy. It is better to post one insightful comment in a top blog rather than commenting on hundreds of low quality blogs.

Of course, low quality blogs can send in some traffic but it is not worth your time and energy. If you are like me you should aspire more for little work and that can be done by commenting on a blog with high readership.

Just make a list of 20 - 30 blogs in your niche and be a regular commenter on those.

Why should you care about unique and useful comments?

Nobody cares about "great post" type of comments. When you have to attract some visitors to your blog, you have to be useful. Why should people care about you and your blog if you don't have anything exciting to offer? Useful and unique comments are the only way through which you can tell others that you have something great to offer.

An useful comment makes people inquisitive and if they become curious enough they might click your link to reach your blog.

Why should you make your comment noticeable?

Earlier in this post I have said , you should comment on a top blog to get better results. Now, a blog with high readership also gets more number of comments. Most of the bigger blogs get more than 100 comments on an average. Your comment should stand out of other 100 comments to get noticed. How can you get a visitor when they are not able to see your comment a t first place?

Furthermore, people tend to skip comments very often when there is higher number of those. If you are making your comments noticeable they might have a good look at it even when they were scrolling down carelessly. So, making your comments noticeable helps grab visitors attention.

A good question that might arise here is-

How can I make my comments noticeable?

Well most of blogs allow some basic html tags in the comment section , such as, bold and italic. Just make your important points bold or make the font-size bigger. This is one excellent way to make your comments an attention grabbing stuff.

One other way to do this is making a longer comments.This is based on my own behaviour on the net. I tend to read longer comments and skip one and two liner comments. On an average most of the comments are about 4-5 sentences long. If you can just post a comment having 10 or more sentences it might grab attention of people (like me).

I think these are the ways you can make your comment more productive and draw in more visitors to your blog. These are my own opinion and you may differ from me on the issue. If that is the case , I will be more than happy to take a note of your angle of perception on the topic.

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