5 Tips to get most out of Comments and Forums

Friday, 22 July 2011

Blogging guide-5 tips to get most out of comments and forums imgMost of the successful bloggers get tons of traffic from comments and forums.But what most of the bloggers and SEO experts will tell you is to just drop a comment in some blog or forum and leave a signature with your blog/website url.But question here is , is that all you can harvest from commets and forums? The answer is, NO !!!! 99.99% of bloggers and webmasters underutilize the potential of comments and forums to drive traffic and increase page rank of their sites.

In this post I will tell you 5 tips to milk most out of comments and forums.So,apply some glue on your seat and get ready to learn those tips.Here comes the tip no.1.

#Tip-1- Find twenty blogs or forums with high readership and page rank and another twenty which don't use "no follow" tag in comment section.

Why this is important-Let us start the explanation with an easy question.Why do you comment? Most of you would have answered this question like this-

"We comment to get traffic and increase google page rank."

Very well !! There is no doubt that this is correct answer.Now, what will happen if you are commenting in a blog or forum with low readership or those which use "no follow" tag? Yes, you guessed it right, you will not be able to get traffic and increase page rank.So, it is important to select blogs and forums before commenting.

How can we know that a blog has high readership or it doesn't uses "no follow" tag?- The answer to first question is easy.A blog or forum with high subscribers volume and comment volume has invariably high readership.To find out whether a blog is using "no follow" tags or not is somewhat tricky thing but I will tell you about this in some other post of mine.

So,now you have selected your target blogs and forums.Once your selection is complete just go on to tip no.2

#Tip-2- Don't Spam.Make useful comments which help the readers and start a conversation between you and readers or/and blog author.
While going through many blogs I come across many spammy comments ,like,

"Great post!!!! Keep it up."
And some even worse than this-
"Hey visit my blog www.example.com".
Most of the times these comments are not able to make their way out of moderation filter if blog author has kept moderation on.So,my advice here is don't spam, it will not help and sometimes even harm you.

How to make useful comments? A useful comment is one which starts a conversation between you and readers.There are three ways one can start a conversation in blogs and forums-

1) Ask questions relevant to theme of blog/forum post.

2) Write about some point which you think blog author has missed.

3) Throw away a tip or trick which you think can help the readers.
By doing this, you generate curiosity in readers mind and if they become curious enough they will visit your site for details.

# Tip-3- Use anchor-text to link to your website from a comment on blog or forum and make it bold.

While using anchor-text is very much important both for readers and search engines as it gives a basic idea about your blog/site, making anchor text bold is important generally for search engines.
You might be knowing that search engines give particular importance to text written in bold.So,when you make your link bold then that link will be treated as special by search engines and your site thus will get some extra weightage over others.

I don't know why people don't make their links in bold even when almost every blog and forum allow them to do so? Believe me this is a very good SEO technique which very little people know.So, next time whenever you are commenting on a blog just make your links bold.

#Tip-4- Don't just place links of your homepage but also of relevant inner pages.

Again this is very little known technique.I have seen most of the bloggers placing links of just their homepage.But I will suggest you to place links of inner pages also as this can boost page rank of your inner pages as well as homepage.

This is particularly true when you have successfully started a conversation.When you start a conversation you post comments on the same page time and again.There is no point placing one link time and again on same webpage.Instead place unique links every time you comment on same webpage or thread.

#Tip-5- Ping the url on which you have commented.

Here you might be thinking what pinging has to do with comments.OK, then let me explain things in some detail.Well, you have posted an excellent comment on a blog or forum and also placed a link of one of your pages.But this link will be of no importance in increasing your page rank unless search engines index that link.This is where pinging can help you.Pinging ensures that your link will be indexed and will be indexed faster.

Let us take an example,Suppose you have commented on a page ,say, www.example.com/2007/08/post.html.Once you have commented ,just go to any pinging service and ping this url.I useautopinger.com for this purpose as they ping about 50 pinging services at one click.

Now I think you will be able to get most out of comments and forums.I can assure you that these five tips will certainly prove beneficial to take your blog to next level.

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