10 super tips to write better content on blogs

Friday, 22 July 2011

As a blogger much of your success depends upon quality of your content. You will be appreciated if you are writing original and quality content otherwise you will fail miserably.This is the reason why content is called king.In this post I will talk about ten powerful tips to generate awesome content on your blog.

I will not preach about making things scannable or making your significant point bold or other stuff that is widely discoursed in every blogging guide.Instead I will talk of some slap-up points to make your content better.

1) Recognize your audience- 

Just ask yourself, Who your audience will be? Or, for whom you are writing? Whether you are writing for newbies or intermediates or savvys .Plan your content once you answer this question.

2) Use colourful verbs in place of tired overused verbs-

Verbs are like condiments. Just like condiments add flavour to food, verbs flavour the content.And once you flavour your content blog visitors will relish it.Let us take an example- Take a look at following sentences-

"The whole SEO is such complex that sometimes I get confused."

"I am perplexed due to intricate nature of SEO."

Both these sentences mean the same thing but in later case the verb 'confused' (no doubt an overused verb) has been replaced by more attractive verb 'perplexed'. Also, see the word 'complex' has been replaced by more appealing word 'intricate'.

Where can I get colourful verbs from?

Now this is a question which needs to be answered. Well just download a thesaurus from internet.They are available for free , just google it and get it. Thesauruses contain list of synonyms.What you have to do is to identify overused verbs and replace them with vibrant synonymous verbs.

3) Use active voice rather than passive voice-

The benefits of using active voice is that subject comes first and some worthless words are chopped off.Take an example-

"John killed Michael" (active voice)

"Michael was killed by john" (passive voice)

In this example, the subject 'John' comes first and and useless words 'was' and 'by' were cut-off by using active voice.

4) Write 'you' centred content and not 'I' centred-

Although it is not possible to use 'you' focussed content everytime but use it most of the times in your content.You focussed content makes your discussion personal with your blog readers.

Example of 'I' focused sentence- "I will provide you with latest information about blogging on this blog."

Example of 'you' focused sentence- "You will get latest information about blogging on this blog."
Now just judge which statement looks better to you.

5) Don't write useless sentences and words-

I have seen some bloggers talking about their pets, or girlfriend or running nose on their blog.Don't do this.These things doesn't matters to your visitors.Visitors come to any blog in search of information and not to know about your running nose.

Your every sentence should either be an information or an elaboration of an information.

6) Don't preach, demonstrate-

Preaching is like muttering a confounding theory without proofs of whether it will work or not.While demonstration is backed by some solid facts ,citations or images. Evidencing your facts makes you much trustworthy.So, make your points backed by some solid facts, citations and images from trustworthy sources.

7) Be personal while interacting through your content-

Write as if you are talking to your readers.Think how would you have talked with your friend on a particular topic? Use the same sentences as you have used while conversation with your friend.(often with some refinement)

8) Break longer sentences into two-

Longer sentences look clumsy and are often hard to understand. So, break longer sentences into two easily digestible sentences.

9) Be simple and clear-

If you close your eyes, can you visualize the idea behind every sentence? Is every sentence as tangible and concrete as possible? If you can’t wrap your arms around your message, neither can your readers. Rework sentences to ensure they’re clear and concrete.

If you’re struggling to explain a technical or abstract concept, grab a pencil and sketch it. This exercise forces you to simplify and distill your idea and may spark helpful ways to present the concept to your readers.

10) Be a ruthless editor-

Writers often fall in love with their own words.But be ruthless with your words.Cut words, sentences and even an entire paragraph if they are not needed or otherwise not in good shape.Sometimes you may have to delete your entire post and start afresh. But if you are not satisfied with your own writing your readers will not be either.So, just cut cut and cut untill you are satisfied.

Check for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Nothing hurts you more than a bunch of grammatical and spelling mistakes.So, be in the hunt of mistakes while editing your content.

Writing better content for blogs is a time consuming process and needs a lot of motivation. But once you are able to keep spirits up you can be a better writer of blogs. Earlier it takes much time to write a content but as you go on writing the process will become a bit easier and less time taking.

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