Use this simple Blogger hack to increase Google Traffic!
Many Bloggers who use Google’s Blogging service often complain about the url od the post. Unlike WordPress Blogger Users cannot edit the Url of the post. And also one more disadvantage is that you can’t add more than about 6 words in your url. This makes it very hard for a blogger to insert a appropriate title into the url. So what shall we do?
Learn to cope with Difficulties! I also thought the same and then I came up with a solid idea which I use for every post and this helps me to gain a lot of Google’s Juice (traffic). Follow few steps and then you can get good traffic!

- Write your post as usual but this time don’t fill anything in the Title
- Now if you are writing a post like. “Microsofts lays off 5,000 jobs in 6 months” then choose keywords which would be appropriate for the post like (here), “Micsroft five thousand jobs and so on…”
- Make sure the Keywords you choose do not excede 29 letters (including space)
- Now Publish your Post
- Now again edit your post and give a suitable healine.
- You have made it!
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